a journey of discovery
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Reflections 2023
Thursday, 30 December 2021
The year of the "New Normal"
2019 was termed to be a doomed year due to COVID 189 and all just wanted a reset and thus the anticipation of 2020 and when that did not happen we all went into 2021 with a mind reset.
For me, 2021 was a year of hope after much frustration in 2020. I cannot precisely recollect how it all started but it was still full of government curfews and multiple restrictions. As I try to wrap my thoughts around what this year was this is what comes to mind;
This was a year that I was afraid because of a very difficult struggle with depression, but it was in that struggle that I realized my resilience to fight and keep my head above the waters even when I was literally drowning. I mastered the art of mental compartmentalization as an escape where I could literally block of a part of my thoughts to avoid drifting into a very dark place.
This year was full of bipolar-like tendencies and was just a roller coaster of emotions. I would literally be laughing hysterically and within the next ten minutes be crushing and crying uncontrollably. many nights were spent in the toilet crying after my family went to sleep trying hard to muffle the sounds with a towel stuffed into my mouth. It was also a year where I felt very insecure and highly threatened by everyone and everything around me. it was a year of great discontentment, envy, and regret accompanied by self-hatred and self-condemnation. Thanking God that I am somewhat trying to deal with that.
Stress and depression sort of come with coping mechanisms and for me, comfort eating was one of them, not to mention the additional disadvantage of hormonal issues, it was a year in which I gained much weight and still struggling to get back on the fitness bandwagon.
This was a year of financial sustenance amidst many struggles
Marriage and Romance
I sigh when I begin to think of this but yet laugh at the same time. This year highlighted moments when I actually thought my marriage will end and moments of great love and memories. Eccl 3:11 was an anchor for my marriage as it was shaken by in-laws, my own family, financial situations, and emotional storms amidst the irony of helping to heal broken hearts and relationships while ours was hanging by a thread, but I believe what didn't break us actually made us stronger!
This year saw me lose out on closeness with most members of my extended family, not sure whether to blame COVID or to say that it exposed the strength of ties previously established. However, I gained a closeness with my two siblings which was surely amazing. I think we are growing older and learning the value of investing in our relationships. It was also a year I desperately hated myself for not being in a position to bring my Mum back home and wanted to be available and present for my cousins and their families but some of those turned out dramatic....stories to tell. I still yearn for genuine friendship and mentorship in both my families and an end to competition to see who is living a better life. Hopefully, with time we will achieve this. It was a year of trying to finally fit in with my in-laws which still remains a struggle marred with many unexplained actions and norms. Hopefully, we will crack this sooner than later. #Bashloading
Grief and Loss
It was a year of pain and tears as I said goodbye to my cousin Ochi and My aunty from my husband's side Grace Roimen ( whose love was felt purely more and genuinely than experienced by me from anyone else in this family). I still mourn their Loss.
This gets harder by the day. Our little Prince is becoming more opinionated and we're are still trying to get the balance between discipline & love so as to create a safe haven for him to call home. He still doesn't eat as well and once school happened it's been a consistent tag on my heart strings with every hospital visit. My life's desire for his schooling was also not achieved but we keep striving hopefully with prayers and effort we will manage to give him a better life. Much thanks to my mother who has been a shoulder of comfort in all the ups and downs since our son was born.
As a believer salvation is key and is core. This year has seen in fightings in some of our local branch ministries; resistance, and lack of youth mentorship. I really miss our Apostle. We have been praying for God to plant us in the soil in which we will be able to grow and bear much fruit, After receiving much heat over the years I feel our spiritual lives need both healing and revival. I feel the need for leaders who are not just concerned about the now and growing the church but have a heart to labor and sow with love and patience into the lives of young people, walking with them all individually, picking them up, dusting them off and even correcting them so as to show them the way until they see them standing and established in their calling as ordained by God before the foundations of time. May God plant us, give us ministry fathers who can identify the giftings of God in our lives even when we do not see it and can be shepherds to nature those giftings to the saving of our generation and raising of workers who will labor to see revival fully birthed in the land. In this regard, I cannot forget to thank our Presbyter and His wife true leaders, servants, teachers, and parents to this point in our lives. Pockets of revival are already springing up in various parts of the country may we be partakers.
Work & Career
This area has been a challenge in my life, I am still trusting God for his direction and alignment in this area. I feel it is not what it is meant to be. This year I saw the corruption in our country and experienced Kenyans being raced against in their own country from "courtyard seats". Someone needs to blow a whistle and the government needs to do something to secure the future for our youth, The situation is dire. May we get sobber leaders in this coming election.
As the curtains close on this year, I can only pray for complete mental and emotional healing, spiritual revival and awakening, closer valuable ties with friends and family,love and establishment as a family, better mastery of our parenting skills, wealth health and prosperity and a peaceful election ahead.......
goodbye 2021 and welcome 2022, the year of destiny appointments and breakthrough!
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Let me die, I pray thee!
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Battle of the mind
Paul in Romans 12 says " but do not be conformed to the standards of this world , but be ye transformed in the renewal of your mind"
It has been a struggle for me to get my mind, heart and emotion all in the same place" In this struggle i have learnt that whatever my heart would say my emotion would obey, but my mind, it has power. Power to make me and break me. Instances when i have woken up feeling defeated and alone and in the depths of trouble, it does not matter how much my heart and emotion felt in the opposite directions, my mind just dragged them along and before long i would find myself in a slump.
I have found myself struggling with so much and at a point where i was going to do something contrary to what i believe i got the insight and told my mind no, i was going to do the opposite and i did. Boy did it feel so good. In that small instant i felt powerful where i had felt overcome by something that was taking over all of me, my though, my emotion and all i could call me. In that instant God reminded me that it starts with my mind. Once my mind is on board it is easier to get the rest of me believing.
You know whatever it is you are struggling with you just need to make a purposeful resolve to not let it beat you. Is it a defeating health condition? Is it a struggle at work? Is it your Family? Your husband or wife? what is that condition that makes you feel defeated and lost.? that thing makes you want to stop. Well Napoleon was right......if you can think it, conceive it and believe it; you can be it.
Situations in life will come, there will be those days when you do not want to get out of bed, Those days when life seems more unfair than other days, Those days when your family members do not seem to be your greatest enemies,but you got to conceive your worth in your mind, You are valuable, you are strong, you are important. If you believe it you can be it.
Say it over and over again. I am not a master of meditation, but i believe that if you say it over and over again, it gets to the point where you can believe it, where it makes sense and where no one can do anything to change it.
I challenge us all to believe in that which you are. Especially my pessimistic friends.... do not go on the negative...believe it and you can. Yes you will!!
Help me take the Journey.
Let us train our minds, and we will be whatever we say we are because we are in our minds long before we are in appearance.
Monday, 18 April 2016
He has a way of Humbling us
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
He still answers prayer
My pastor is always telling us that there is no dustbin for prayers. I have learned this through various scenarios in my life.
Growing up at some point my parents had to leave the country in such of a better life for us and it reached a point that the better life was far from reach. One particular scenario we had no food and i did not have any money. I did not want to let our nanny know that we had a problem. That month my parents sent the bare minimum to help us survive and it had run out. I did not want to stress them out understanding that they were already trying hard to just get by. So i sat in my room coiled up in a corner and cried until i could cry no more and at that point of weakness and at the end of my road i asked God to kindly provide. Immediately i felt a nudge in my spirit to walk up to the bookshelf and a leading to open a specific book and inside of it i found tucked away some money. I was so glad called our nanny gave her money and she was able to buy something and prepare a meal for us that night
Later the next year i was feeling lonely, abandoned so to speak. I was sad that my parents had left, I was struggling with ulcers and did not get enough support from my family, at some point i was even accused of pretending just to get attention. One particular day in tears i asked God to just love me, i wanted to know that i was loved and that He was there through it all, After the prayer a friend i had not talked to in a long while sent me a message and said that God loved me and that i was God's princess. That day i felt the love of God shed upon my heart as i read that message and i got the courage to move on
In campus during my second year i lacked school fees and missed my third semester exams. There was no hope of any money, i owed the school more than Kshs. 100,000 and we were just keeping up at home. I remember going into our prayer place in campus (Upper Chambers) and i asked God to provide. I reminded him that His blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow and that i had already stayed out for almost four years before finally getting to campus due to lack of money and He had promised to provide. I did go home after crying and crying for God to provide before the payment deadline, but i remember i was so much at peace that He was going to provide and i assured my parents of the same and true to it a stranger paid for my fees and i never lacked fees again until i completed campus
Recently i was so discouraged and the littlest issue was troubling my heart, we have been having a water problem for almost 3 weeks now and i was so disturbed by this because we had paid the bills and yet still we had no water. I had just spent close to 3000 to buy water and our tank was almost empty now. Two nights ago i asked God to sort out the water issue and give my heart peace. Yesterday i came back anticipating that water had come but it hadn't come. I slept really late woke up today and went about my business. Upon arrival at home today my mind was not even concentrated on the water issue and as i opened the gate i heard water filling up into the tank. To some this might seem usual but for me it lit up my heart that God is still there, He listens and He provides. He still answers prayer
I have learned that prayer should be simple, sincere and full of faith. For anything done without faith is sin. Secondly God answers prayer just on time, within time and at the right time.
Many times we pray and loose hope but scripture encourages us " But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved". It is hard to hope against all hope but if we do not cast our confidence it has a great reward for us. I know in my heart that this year is heavy for me, i need a lot of things to work out together for my good and i pray that in the midst of all God will always shine a ray of light and remind me that Yes! He is able.
For all of you who have lost hope. Hope yet again He is able. God is not dead and He still answers prayer. Take on the attitude of Habakkuk in 3:18
The Lord be your strength, the Lord make you walk in high places, the Lord supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.